Kamis, 06 Agustus 2009

Whatever Happened To Ultima II?

I might be showing my age with this question...but can I ask, whatever happened to Ultima II? Back in the day, that shiz was my jam. Ultima II was one of my first forays into prestige makeup and I was obsessed. I had this one brown matte lipstick (hey, it was the mid-nineties) that I wore down to a nub. And don't get me started on their Glowtion Skin Brightening Moisturizer.

And when the line popped up at my local CVS, I thought I had died and gone to heaven. Then it died.

A recent Google search turned up a ton of online retailers still hocking Ultima II cosmetics...which leaves me wondering if Revlon is still secretly producing these products, or if the online stores are selling old stock.

Ah, Ultima II...thanks for the memories.

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