A few months ago, I interviewed Kyra Davis, one of my favorite authors. Lust, Loathing And A Little Lip Gloss, the long awaited fourth installment in her Sophie Katz series, was due to hit shelves in June - so I took the opportunity to chat her up about literature and lippies. I am such a fan of her chick lit mystery series that Kyra and I teamed up to give away five autographed copies of her newest book.
Little did I realize that my Q&A and giveaway counted as entries in Kyra's own giveaway. This morning, her darling son drew names out of a hat and yours truly came out the big winner. When Kyra informed me, I was absolutely shocked. First, I didn't even realize I had been entered into a contest; I just interviewed Kyra because I think she's a fantabulously talented writer. And second, I never win anything!
So here's what I've won:
A Labor Day weekend trip to San Francisco!!! Kyra will pick me up at the airport, I'll stay at a swank hotel, and Kyra and I will spend the weekend visiting Sophie's (the series' protagonist) favorite haunts.
Can you even believe it? I'm so excited! I can't wait to chronicle my West Coast adventures for all of you!
Thanks, Kyra! And to all of you who haven't read her books, get reading. Have I ever steered you wrong before?
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