Minggu, 08 November 2009

Makeup Mondays With Mario: Keeping Foundation On Your Face

Celebrity makeup artist Mario Dedivanovic is answering your burning beauty questions!!! Every Monday, he will answer a beauty/skin care question as part of a weekly column on Spoiled Pretty, Makeup Mondays with Mario.


I have a foundation that I love, but it seems to get on everything! I work in an office and tend to pass around papers that have brown smudges on them whenever I wear that foundation. Is there anything I can do to keep the foundation on my face and not on everything else? -Khalia


I can totally sympathize with you, as someone that constantly gets makeup "spots" on just about everything. Here's how to keep your foundation on your face and off the paper work:

Try using a oil free moisturizer if you aren't already. Makeup that smears off the skin easily probably isn't being set well. With a velour powder puff, set your makeup by pressing translucent loose powder all over face after foundation. If this doesn't help, you can try a makeup sealer. They come in spray bottles and help keep everything in place. Lastly and most important - try to stop touching your face! If you didn't touch your face, your hands wouldn't get makeup on them. It's a hard habit to break, but not impossible.

Hope this helps you out. Thanks for visiting Makeup Mondays with Mario!
MarioGot a question for Mario? Email your makeup and skin care queries to blogaboutsexygirlpicsquestions@gmail.com, and check back next Monday to read Mario's expert advice!

Photo Credit: Getty Images

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