Kamis, 24 September 2009

A Little Off The Top...And Bottom

A few weeks ago, Mr. Spoiled Pretty shared a particularly hilarious anecdote from his childhood growing up in Cheney, Washington.

Between the ages of 10 and 12, Graham would travel to downtown Cheney to get his hair cut by a man known as 'Shorty.' Shorty charged $3.50 (not $3 or $4) for his signature cut - the flat top. By signature, I mean that the flat top is the only style he knew how to perform. Thanks to his bargain basement prices, Shorty earned a steady clientele of local farmers and young boys.

One detail of Graham's story that intrigued me (besides the crazy $3.50 flat top price tag) was the fact that Shorty's barber shop stocked an extensive selection of Playboy magazines. Which got me thinking...

If I were a guy waiting to get my hair cut, wouldn't I feel weird flipping through a Playboy in public? The answer is a resounding "yes." But, apparently, Playboy magazines in men's barber shops are fairly common.

Despite Mr. Spoiled Pretty's insistence that there are articles in Playboy that men actually read, the phenomenon of men casually perusing Playboy in broad daylight - in a place of business - still strikes me as pervy.


Photo Credit: Getty Images

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