Minggu, 03 Januari 2010

Kate Moss's Hangover Cocktail For Puffy, Tired Skin

You know what they say about Kate Moss, right? Ain't no party like a Kate Moss party cuz a Kate Moss party don't stop. Okay, maybe they don't say that. In fact, I know they don't say that because I just made it up.

Nevertheless, it's no secret that Kate likes to party. But what has remained a secret - until now - is how Kate manages to look so bright eyed when her late night antics would leave most gals bloodshot.

Kate recently told the Daily Express, "Fill the sink, get some ice, put some cucumber in and stick your head in it. Apparently it's an old-school thing that Joan Crawford used to do. The cucumber takes out all the puffiness and redness. It feels amazing, it rocks. If you're tired it really wakes you up."

Hopefully, side effects do not include the temptation to beat your child with wire hangers.


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