Minggu, 18 Oktober 2009

Makeup Mondays With Mario: Dark Circles & Smoky Eyes

Celebrity makeup artist Mario Dedivanovic is answering your burning beauty questions!!! Every Monday, he will answer a beauty/skin care question as part of a weekly column on Spoiled Pretty, Makeup Mondays with Mario.

So without further ado...do your thang, Mario!

Hi Mario,

I have a question and would like some advice on my make-up. OK... I naturally have dark circles around my eyes and I love the smokey eye look. However whenever I’ve tried it, it makes my circles appear darker. Is there something I can do about it so that I can achieve the look that I'm wanting or is that something I can’t accomplish because of my imperfections? -LaJuan

Dear LaJuan,

It seems to me that the problem you're having has to do with covering up the dark circles around your eyes, or it could the technique you're using when you do the eye makeup. If done correctly, a smokey eye should not make your "circles" appear darker. Here's what you should do. Start out by applying an eye shadow base or primer to the lid. You can also use your concealer or foundation for this (a shade or two lighter then your skin would be best). Follow with some loose powder to set the base. Now you can go ahead and give yourself a smokey eye which ever way that you prefer. After the lids are done, you now want to clean the under eye area with a makeup wipe to get rid of all the eyeshadow that most likely fell. That could be why it looks more dark to you. Once the under eye area is clean, apply your concealer, blend with a sponge and finish by setting it with a translucent loose powder. This will also prevent the liner along the lower lash line from smudging. ;-)


Got a question for Mario? Email your makeup and skin care queries to blogaboutsexygirlpicsquestions@gmail.com, and check back next Monday to read Mario's expert advice!

Photo Credit: Sephora.com

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