Senin, 05 Januari 2009

New Term to Add to Your Hair Dictionary: Twilights

Glamour just sent the following beauty tip to my inbox...

Here's a new term to add to your hair dictionary: twilights.

L.A. celeb colorist Stuart Gavert created the multidimensional hair colors you've see on Kristen Stewart and her co-stars in this winter's vampire flick, Twilight, and now he's coined a new color term after the flick.

Unlike highlights or lowlights, twilights are achieved when very subtle lighter and darker tones are painted in to give the hair a sparkly effect without changing its color.

Rachel Weisz and Eva Longoria Parker are just two A-listers who have already copied the Twilight look. There's no major root-dying, which means it's OK to skimp on color if you need to pay off your Visa bill. Ask your colorist to crib the effect!

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