Having a bad hair day? Week? Year? Lifetime?!?!?!? Don't worry...Kim Kardashian is "here to help." Below are some tips she recently shared on her website:
Kat asks:
If you are ever free from your busy schedule, can you do a tutorial on how you do your daily hair style? It's so GORGEOUS!!!
Kim answers:
Thank you, Kat! I try not to wash or style my hair everyday because that is just too much stress on anyone's hair.
Celeste asks:
I absolutely love your hair! It always looks beautiful and healthy! I especially love it in the episode, where you told your family you were posing in PLAYBOY. In that episode your hair has these great curls that are tight but loose at the same time. How were you able to make it look like that?
Kim answers:
I am not the greatest at curling my hair myself, so when you see mine curly it's probably been done by my hair stylist. My hair holds curls really well, so it usually lasts a few days. If yours holds curl well, then you can keep that style and maybe add a new curl or two (or maybe just an extra dash of product) the next day to freshen up the look! For the Playboy shoot, my hair was curled with a curling iron and I think I did it the day before, so it fell out nicely.
Curly Q asks:
Hey Kim, I admire your hair a lot! It's dark, long, and gorgeous. How do you style it when you wake up, go hang out, or even go to events? I have dark, long curly hair, and whether I straighten or "curl" it, it never turns out like yours.
Kim answers:
Hey, Curly Q! My hair is bone straight, but I can pass along some useful information: If you can get an ionic straightener, that may help your hair a lot to flat iron the curls out. They say the ionic straighteners and curlers are the best!
Fallon asks:
How do you do your hair? It always looks so gorgeous!
Kim answers:
I always put volumizers and thickening spray in my hair and blow dry it. I love fully, sexy hair! I also always tease the top part of my hair by the crown of my head to give it more of a lift!
Moraqy asks:
Hey Kim, I just wanna say that you look absolutely gorgeous without makeup. I want to know if it's possible for you to post a video showing us how you curl ur hair? Because me and my older sister LOVE how you do your hair. We always Google pictures of you because we tried many times to do it like you but unfortunately it never turns out like your hair, so if you could do that I would REALLY appreciate it!
Kim answers:
I will definitely do a hair video blog as well! Maybe I can recruit my hair dresser Clyde to teach me on camera. Stay tuned!
Liz asks:
Kim, my hair is dark like yours and I wanted to know what you thought about adding color to your hair as in highlights? I would love to know what you think.
Kim answers:
I have thought about it so many times but haven't done it. I think dark hair is pretty so I am sticking with it like this for now. My sister Khloe did all-over highlights recently, though, and it looks great!
Stacy asks:
Hi Kim, I am a huge fan and I watch your show and even the reruns. I would love to know how you get your hair so shiny and healthy looking. Is it hair extensions and, if so, how long is your real hair? I know you have given us your makeup tips but could you please give us your hair tips? I have long brown hair but get lots of split ends. Thank you. :)
Kim answers:
I always change up my shampoos and conditioners to kind of shock the hair. If you use the same stuff every day, your hair gets used to it and doesn't give the same bounce and shiny affect. So I switch products every other day. I also don't wash my hair everyday. It strips the hair of it's natural oils and can prevent it from growing longer. I also make sure to use an oil at the bottom of my hair every time I shower; like Biosilk or some split end mender. It really helps! If you are also laying out in the sun or going to be in the pool, condition your hair while you are laying out. It looks wet like you were just in the pool but moisturizes it and protects it from the sun!
For more of Kim Kardashian's beauty and makeup tips, click here!
Source: officialkimkardashian.com
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