Out to shock the fashion galaxy with their supersonic ray gun shades and neon orange compacts cases. Spinning glamour into another orbit: a magnetic field of alluring hot fluorescents, modern buffs, beiges flesh tones set against cyber-chromatic array Nail Lacquers destined test laws your style gravity. This is your beauty’s future.

Sci-Fi-Delity: Burnt red with gold pearl (frost)
Pleasureseeker: Creamy peach (glaze)
Astral: Midtone brown with red pearl (lustre)
Electro: Bright orange (lustre)
Sunsonic White gold (frost)
Suggested Retail Price: $14.00
Supreme Bronzed brown with white pearl (frost)
Naked Space Creamy midtone nude peach frost)
Pink Grapefruit Orange with gold pearl (frost)
Soft & Slow Midtone creamy plum (frost)
Suggested Retail Price: $14.00
Eye Shadow
Magnetic Fields: Black brown with silver pearl (veluxe pearl)
Femme-Fi: Frosty golden cream (veluxe pearl)
Evening Aura: Frosty golden pach (veluxe pearl)
Time & Space: Frosty copper (frost)
Expensive Pink: Pink with gold duochrome (veluxe pearl)
Suggested Retail Price: $14.00
Cremestick Liner
80%: Deep, deep cocoa
Buerre : Dirtied plum
Summerfruit : Pale coral
Suggested Retail Price: $14.00
Plush Lash Mascara
Plushblack: Deep black
Suggested Retail Price: $11.00
Sheertone Shimmer Blush
Spaced Out: Shimmery peach
X-Rocks: Shimmery dirty mauve
Suggested Retail Price: $17.50
Nail Lacquer
Metalist: Neutral coppertone with white pearl (frost)
Plasma Blu: Turquoise blue with mathematic white pearl (frost)
Neon 8: Bright orange with matching pearl (frost)
Phosphor: Bumble bee yellow (frost)
Suggested Retail Price: $10.00
Neo Sci-Fi is now available now at maccosmetics.com.
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