I so enjoy when Kim Vo makes an appearance on The Daily 10 on E! He’s forever smiling, and always has some easy-to-follow hair care tips to share. Last night, Vo said the unthinkable. He insisted that women with fine hair should only wash their hair every 2-3 days; and thick-tressed ladies should go a week between shampoos. Quel horror!
He explained that shampooing strips the hair of its natural oils – which leads to dryness, damage, and one bad hair day followed by another. For fine, straight hair, the oils take a shorter time to travel from the scalp to the ends - which is why he recommends shampooing more frequently than those with thick hair.

In between shampoos, Vo recommends two ways to get rid of the greasies. First, fine-haired females can lightly mist their hair with an aerosol spray; because the alcohol is a little drying, it will sop up some of the excess oil.

And when you do get around to washing your hair, shampoo twice. The first time removes build-up, while the second go-round actually cleanses the hair and scalp. When it comes time to condition, take a cue from your hair type. For fine hair, apply conditioner just on the ends – and for thick hair, apply all over.
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